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July 8, 2014


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At cicayda, we have a price certain model for both corporate legal departments and law firms. At cicayda, we believe that a fair and affordable system of justice is a cornerstone of all free societies. We believe lawyers play a special and critical role in serving and maintaining our civil justice system. We believe to ensure that lawyers continue to play this critical role in society they have to effectively deal with a very complex modern world.

We are also lawyers and eDiscovery experts that build software for lawyers, legal professionals and the modern world in which they operate. By embracing Internet scale technologies, advanced programming languages, advanced search/analysis technology, and agile software development, we deliver easy-to-use applications designed to empower intelligent lawyers in every practice setting, in house or outside law firm to enhance their client service abilities.

Connect with me on twitter @ediscoverynow and email at [email protected]
If you believe the same, that certain prices are long overdue, that software should foster collaboration and that affordable technology should be available to ALL LAWYERS so that justice is better served.

We build software applications using tomorrow’s technology for today’s lawyers.

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Meet Jackson

  • Jackson Palmer is a dynamic and creative eDiscovery attorney with 14 years experience working in large law firms managing the EDRM process. Jackson has extensive experience and interest in integrating technology and emerging eDiscovery jurisprudence/standards with organizational structure, process best practices and developing the human component of successful strategies for data management.
